Thursday, August 23, 2012

Best Internet Deals on Treadmills for Sale

Treadmills for Sale Online
Are you looking online for treadmills for sale because you've decided its time to invest in your health? There are so many choices these days that it can be overwhelming when  trying to settle on what you actually need. To assist you in your decision, this article will supply you with some basic info that I hope will help.

Are You a Walker or a Runner?


A model with a shorter deck and less powerful motor would be fine if you are just walking on the treadmill; something with a 1.5 to 2.0 horsepower should be okay. These would probably be in the less expensive or no frills category.

Click Here for Free shipping & Great Discounts on Treadmills for Sale
However, you should keep in mind that as you get stronger and begin running, a larger running track as well as a more powerful motor will provide you with a better workout and last longer through the years.  So, it might be wise to buy a better quality machine from the start.

You could look for a running track with a width of 18 - 20 inches, a length of 55 - 60 inches, a 3.0 horsepower continuous- duty motor and an incline that goes to at least 15%. If you have those features, you should get a good running workout.

Consider a Folding Treadmill


Some folding treadmills that are available for sale are very sturdy. A folding treadmill would be an option if space is a consideration for you. Make sure that the model you choose has an easy assist folding deck which makes it very simple to unfold and then fold-up the deck when not in use. After folding, the deck stands vertically for easy storage.

People with a large area for their workouts could fit a stationery treadmill which is usually a bit larger. These tend to be heavier and larger than the compact treadmills. True treadmills are an example of a more expensive, powerful treadmill. To decide what will work best for you, check out the manufacturer's specifications before you buy.

Shopping the Internet for Treadmills for Sale


  After you choose what brand and model  to buy, you want to be sure to get the best deal that there is. As you can guess, the better quality models are more costly than the lower quality treadmills.  Luckily, you can buy them at deep discounts online as compared to buying from a brick and mortar store. Advantages of buying online are:
  • SAVE up to 40% off retail prices;
  • Easily COMPARE different treadmill models;
  • Free shipping is usually available;
  • Order from the comfort of your own home.
Here is a video with some buying advice from Consumer Reports:

 Keep in mind, purchasing a treadmill for sale on the internet is an investment in your health, be certain that it has all the features that you will need now as well as foresee needing in the future. That way you will look forward to your treadmill workouts for a long time.

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