Saturday, August 11, 2012

Is the Sole F80 the Best Treadmill for the Price?

Sole F80 Treadmill
If you are looking for a moderately priced treadmill, but want a strong, commercial quality machine, the Sole F80 may be what you are looking for. In this article I'll explain why it is considered the best buy by many running and exercise equipment experts. I'll also help you to find it at a great discount.

Sole F80: Why is it the best value?


 There are a few reasons why this treadmill  is considered one of the best values in treadmills. First, it is manufactured with ultra high-quality construction. It has all steel welded, powder coated structures and very stable inclines. It has a quiet, vibration free running surface thanks to a well balanced, zinc coated all steel flywheel and a high weight limit of 350 lbs.

CLICK HERE to see the best discounted price on the Sole F80 treadmill now!

The Sole F80 has a strong 3.0 horsepower motor and you can run at speeds from 0.5 up to 12 mph as well as an incline which is adjustable up to a maximum of 15%. There are also six preset workout programs, 2 custom workout programs and 2 heart controlled programs. So there is plenty of variety to keep your exercise sessions from getting boring.

The running deck is a generous 20 by 60 inches which is a good size for runners or walkers. There is a special cushion flex feature in the running deck which absorbs the impact from running and reduces the stress on your joints by 40% as compared to running on asphalt or cement.

 You can even keep track of your distance traveled, calories burned, speed, time, your pace and pulse on the 7.5 inch LCD display monitor. Built-in cup holders and a fan are also standard on this model. Reviewers have said that the fan isn't the greatest but it does help cool you down.

The console has built-in speakers for an iPod or MP3 player which some people say aren't the best quality but for a moderately priced treadmill that's not what you're paying for. Anyway, since you are exercising at home you can use your own speakers to listen to music or just watch TV.

It's a Folding Treadmill Too!


Another great feature of the Sole F80 treadmill is that it folds! Anyone with a small house or apartment or just a crowded workout space can appreciate this feature. After you are finished with the treadmill, you release the deck and it folds up vertically for easy storage.

Oh, and it has an amazing warranty for a treadmill in this price category. Lifetime warranty on the motor, running deck and frame. Five years on belt, rollers and other components and two years on labor.

Here's a video for you:

 Best Discount prices
From my research, I've found it is easy to overpay for treadmills and since treadmills aren't cheap, you want to get the best deal that you can. The local specialty shops that sell treadmills always charge higher prices than the online merchants. I've found that Amazon offers the best discount prices plus free shipping with their Super Saver Shipping on the Sole F80.

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